The Role of the Parish Council
The Parish Council is the first level of elected government. In this parish it is non-political. The Parish Council is secular and has no link with the Parochial Church Council (PCC) or any church matters.
There are 11 Councillors making up the Council and we represent approximately 450 registered electors across Beausale, Haseley, Honiley & Wroxall living in 250 dwellings.
What does the Parish Council do?
The Parish Council is mandated by parliament to represent the interests of the whole community, and Parish Councilors have a responsibility to be well informed about local issues and potentially diverse views. The Parish Council has authority to raise money through taxation (the Precept) and to spend that public money for the benefit of the parish.
The Parish Council fulfills the following functions:
- We are consulted on all planning applications within the parish, and responds to such applications
- We liaise with Warwickshire County Council on highway matters, ensuring the ongoing safety of all highways and bye-ways within the parish, including flood prevention
- We ensure rights of way are protected
- We work with Warwick District Council to protect the Green Belt
- We support local community organizations for the benefit of parishioners
- We work with the Police and Neighbourhood Watch to promote community safety
- We promote and support the use of Wren Hall as our community hall.
These are only some of the issues that concern your Parish Council on a regular basis.
The Government’s Localism bill seeks to encourage Parish Councils to deliver more services and to play a greater part in their communities. The Parish Plan guides the Parish Council in making decisions our community would want.
We can
We cannot
How the Parish Council is Elected.
Every four years the Parish Council is dissolved and all eleven Councillors have to be reappointed. At this time anyone who lives in the Parish, or within 3 miles of its borders, can put themselves forward as a potential Councillor. All Councillors have to be over 18 years of age.
If there are more prospective Councillors than places available, an election will be held. If there are eleven or less nominees, there is no election and all are automatically appointed. If, during the course of a four-year cycle, a Councillor leaves, for whatever reason, then the vacancy will be advertised. This vacancy may be filled either by election, or by co-option if an election is not required.
Meetings of the Parish Council
The Parish Council meets ten times a year, but may hold extra-ordinary meetings when necessary. Members of the public, and press, are entitled to attend and the Parish Council welcomes all observers to its meetings. 15 minutes is set aside at the beginning of each meeting for members of the public to address the Parish Council.
Representatives of Warwick District Council and Warwickshire County Council regularly attend our Parish Council meetings. Their support and input greatly assists the Parish Council in fulfilling its representative role.